
always here


Our Client Charter

At Perpetual Guardian we are passionate about building relationships with our clients. Our Client Charter outlines our commitments to clients which we will uphold and deliver on.

Know Our Clients

We value the opportunity to engage with our clients and pride ourselves on the strength of our relationships. We will know our clients, what drives them, who they are, their goals and aspirations and the solutions we can provide them. Knowing our clients is a part of everything we do and the way that we do business.

Service and Communication

Our communication and service delivery will be in accordance with our service standards. We will set and deliver to the expectations that we agree with our clients.

We will communicate with clients regularly and respond promptly. We will be dynamic and responsive in our interactions with clients and provide the best possible service, consistently.

Personal Information

We recognise the importance of safeguarding personal information. We will keep client information private, hold it in the strictest confidence and ensure it is kept up to date.


Our offices and branches are easily identifiable and accessible. Someone will always be available to talk to clients during the business day. Our documents are written in plain English and we will explain or clarify them so that they are easily understood.

Fees, Charges and Disclosure

Once we gain an understanding of our clients’ needs, we will communicate our fees. There will be transparency in the fees charged and we will communicate with clients if these change, before they change.

Dispute & Complaint Resolution

We aim to resolve disputes quickly and fairly and set out the steps necessary for a resolution and the timeframe in which the dispute will be remedied. Formal complaints can be made to the Head of Client Care.

If a client is still dissatisfied with our service they can make a complaint to Financial Services Complaints Limited by contacting them on 0800 347 257 or writing to them at PO Box 5967, Wellington 6145. This service is free of charge to our clients.


The work and documentation we provide to clients will be of the highest quality. We check all the work we do through internal audits, process and compliance regimes. We will correct all errors and inaccuracies and be accountable for them.

Feedback, Comments and Suggestions

We are always looking for ways to improve our service offering. If you would like to provide feedback, comments or suggestions please do so by:
